Thursday, November 8, 2007

Giving Thanks

"Praise the LORD. Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever" Psalm 106:1

"Pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus" 1 Thessalonians 5:17-18

Happy November, friends!

Thanksgiving Day is just around the corner. You and I know that our gratitude to God is not limited to one day or one month in the year, but while we have "thankfulness" on our minds this month, I'd like to dedicate this update to thanking God for His goodness and His faithfulness.

In the past month, I grieved with dear friends who lost a son and brother; I rejoiced over a young girl who received new life in Christ. I reached across and held the hands of a woman in jail whose heart was aching because she had lost a son during her time of incarceration; I shared the joy of a friend who delivered a beautiful baby boy . . . .So much has happened in one month, and none without the knowledge of the One by whose hands all creation was formed.

As I read Psalm 136 a few days ago, I smiled as it dawned on me that the Hand that "struck down great kings . . .and killed mighty kings (verses 17,18) is the same Hand that "gives food to every creature" (verse 25). How can we remain thankful in all circumstances? We can because the most important thing of all remains constant-- His love endures forever.

Prayer Requests:

When I began my internship, I had only reached half my goal for financial support. The support I have been receiving has dwindled even more and my account is short on the money I need for outreach and conference costs, training, materials, and salary. I am trusting the Lord that He will raise $400 in monthly pledges before the end of the year. Please pray in agreement with me that God will raise this support, and also prayerfully consider giving a monthly pledge.

Pray as we prepare for Fastbreak, our beginning of the year Student Venture retreat. A few of the SV students who are now core Christian leaders at their high schools received Christ or rededicated their lives to Christ at past Student Venture retreats. They are eager and excited to give their classmates an opportunity to do the same, so they are prayerfully working toward bringing at least 50 students from their high school to Fastbreak. Please pray along with us that God will honor their faith and their heart for their lost friends.

Pray for our upcoming outreach events for the rest of the year. This Friday, Dave, one of the student leaders, will be hosting his orchestra group at his home. He will share his testimony, and there will be a gospel presentation. Please pray for God to open the hearts of the students who will attend. We are praying that God will create an interest and the students will be open to joining Bible studies designed to fit their schedules.