"As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease." Genesis 8:22
I've got to be honest--I am really glad God threw "heat" into the mix. I'm relishing these 82-degree Texas spring days; plus--the interesting phenomena of bluebonnet-covered lawns is keeping me amused.
It's been a busy and eventful month since I last wrote. There were quite a few celebrations: I turned a quarter-of-a-century on March 10th. I am enjoying being twenty-five. Easter was also a wonderful time of celebration with friends; we rejoiced together over what God did for us through His Son. At the end of March, I had the double-joy of attending the wedding of two dear friends, Laura and Matthew.
On the ministry front, I'm still loving the opportunity to disciple young ladies through weekly Bible studies. Last Wednesday, we held our annual March Madness Basketball Tournament at Newman Smith High School. It was a well attended outreach, with a personal testimony and a gospel presentation given by students.
There were three new decisions for Christ and many indications of interest in becoming a part of Student Venture :) The next couple of weeks will be spent following up with these students who have just begun or are seeking to grow in their relationship with God.
Summer will be here before we know it. Recruiting for the summer conference, GetAway, has been going wonderfully well--praise God! So far, more than twenty students have signed up . . . and counting.
Prayer Requests
I would appreciate your prayers for the girls I am currently discipling through Bible studies. As they continue to seek to grow in their faith, the enemy has been on the attack with stress, discouragement, and temptations in their personal lives. Praise God that we are overcomers, in Christ! Please pray for the continued realization of victory in the lives of the students.
Please pray for God to direct my steps and my words as I follow up with a few students this week. Pray that I will be able to clearly explain what a relationship with Christ means in their lives, and that they will be interested in continuing one-on-one and group discipleship.