Tuesday, June 17, 2008

News From Colorado!

We've been here three days in Estes Park, nestled in the beautiful Rocky Mountains of Colorado, and God has been at work! On the first night of our arrival, one of our Carrollton students accepted Christ for the first time, and three others rededicated their lives to Christ :) This set the stage for what has been a learning experience--watching God at work in the lives of students.

When Jesus told his disciples how difficult it would be for the rich man to enter heaven, they cried out in consternation, "Who then can be saved?"

I am afraid I often fall into the same error of despair when I observe high school students, listen to their stories, needs, and hurts. I am reminded of the evil forces of this world that are fighting for their souls, and I feel momentary panic: How in the world will these students ever choose Christ in the face of all these allurements?

Then comes the reassuring answer:

"With man, this is impossible, but with God, all things are possible" (John 19:26).

Praise the Lord!!!

Please continue to pray for the conference, and specifically for the following:

Pray that the Holy Spirit would break every barrier or distraction in the lives of the students, and they would be receptive to what God is doing.

A few of the students have expressed anxiety about not being able to maintain their commitment to God once they return home to the issues they've been away from this week. Pray that God would begin to prepare Christian friends, understanding parents, supportive churches, to come alongside the students and help them in their walk with God.

Pray for God's continued protection over all the students and staff.

Thanks for being an important part of this life-changing week!

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