Friday, July 11, 2008


In 2007, I joined the mission field with Student Venture, first as a volunteer, then as an intern once I had raised sufficient financial support. August 15th will mark the end of my year-long internship, which you committed to support through prayer, monthly pledges, or one-time contributions. Thank you very much for your encouragement and support. In the year since we have partnered together in ministry, God’s name has been glorified and His Kingdom advanced among high school students in Carrollton, Texas and environs.

As we came to the end of this past school year, I thought about what God had accomplished through the ministry. Reflecting on these victories, I realized how thrilled I was to have been a part of it, and how much I want to continue to be a part of God’s work at Newman Smith High School and in Carrollton. I have been invited to continue in ministry with Student Venture for one more school year, and after seeking God’s face in prayer, I am convinced that this is the direction He would have me take at this time.

I would like to invite you to stay onboard with me by continuing to pray for the ministry and by continuing to give monthly and/or one-time financial gifts as I minister to high school students in the 2008/2009 school year. You can also help me by giving me references for your friends, relatives, or acquaintances who may be interested in supporting me as an intern with Student venture. Thank you again for joining me to make disciples for Christ!

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